🛠 Under Construction: This library and the documentation are works in progress. Read and join our discussions for questions, suggestions, or feedback.


The Form component renders a form element and various control components (e.g., Input, TextArea, Select) depending on the data that you provide through its formGroups property.

import Form, { FormGroup } from '@astro-reactive/form';
const form = new FormGroup();
// your controls configuration data

<Form formGroups={form} />


npm i @astro-reactive/form


Setting up the Form component is mainly done by providing it your configuration via the formGroups property which takes either a FormGroup or an array FormGroup[].

See the documentation for the FormGroup class.

Setting up a form

Assigning a FormGroup object to the formGroup property will set up a form.

import Form, { FormGroup } from '@astro-reactive/form';

const form = new FormGroup([
    name: 'username',
    label: 'Username',
    value: 'awesome_dev',
    name: 'comment',
    label: 'Feedback',
    type: 'textarea',
    value: 'Nice!',
    name: 'size',
    label: 'Size',
    type: 'dropdown',
    options: ['S', 'M', 'L', 'XL', 'XXL'],
    placeholder: '-- Please choose an option --',

<Form formGroups={form} />

The example above will result in a form containing three controls: a text field username, a textarea comment, and a size dropdown.


The FormGroup constructor takes an array ControlConfig[].

📝 Note: The ControlConfig type will be defined in the FormControl class documentation.

Setting up multiple field sets

To render a form with multiple field sets, assign an array FormGroup[] to the formGroups property.

import Form, { FormGroup } from '@astro-reactive/form';

const nameForm = new FormGroup(
      name: 'firstName',
      label: 'First Name',
      value: 'John',
      name: 'lastName',
      label: 'Last Name',
      value: 'Doe',

const skills = new FormGroup(
      name: 'JavaScript',
      type: 'checkbox',
      label: 'JavaScript',
      name: 'TypeScript',
      type: 'checkbox',
      label: 'TypeScript',
      name: 'React',
      type: 'checkbox',
      label: 'React',
      name: 'Vue',
      type: 'checkbox',
      label: 'Vue',

<Form formGroups={[nameForm, skills]} />

The example above renders a form with two field sets with legend Name and Skills.

multiple form groups

The FormGroup constructor optionally takes a name property to set the legend for the field set.

Setting up the Submit button

The Form component takes an optional submitControl property. This property is of type Submit which is a special type for the submit button.

This implementation is to distinguish the submit button from other buttons and limit the form to only have one of it.

import Form, { FormGroup } from '@astro-reactive/form';

const form = new FormGroup([]);

const submitControl: Submit = {
  name: 'submit',
  type: 'submit',

<Form formGroups={form} submitControl={submitControl} />

This is a very crude solution to prevent having multiple submit buttons. For suggestions to improve this, join our discussions.


The following are input properties a Form component can take. Only the formGroups property is required.

formGroupsFormGroup | FormGroup[]required
method'get' | 'post' | 'dialog'optional
theme'light' | 'dark'optional


Type: FormGroup | FormGroup[]

Determines how the form is rendered


Type: string

Sets the action attribute for the form. Set this to the URL that processes the form submission.


Type: HTTPSubmitMethod

Sets the method attribute for the form. Set this to the HTTP method to submit the form: ‘post’, ‘get’, or ‘dialog’.

From MDN:

  • post - The POST method; form data sent as the request body.
  • get (default) - The GET method; form data appended to the action URL with a ? separator. Use this method when the form has no side effects.
  • dialog - When the form is inside a , closes the dialog and throws a submit event on submission without submitting data or clearing the form.


Type: boolean

Sets the whole form as read-only.


Type: boolean

When used with our validator package, the Form component is able to render validation hints when showValidationHints is set to true:

  • asterisks on required controls’ labels
  • controls with validation errors are colored red


Type: Submit

A special button that triggers the submit event for a form.

const submit: Submit = {
  type: 'submit',
  value: "Let's go!",


Type: 'light' | 'dark'

Sets the form to use light or dark mode.


Type: boolean

When used with our validator package, the Form component is able to render validation errors on server-side rendering when validateOnLoad is set to true. Otherwise, the validation errors will only be rendered on the client-side upon user interaction.